Data Recovery Software: | DEMO | Standard | Professional | Ultimate |
User-defined signatures can be created using simple scripting language (RegExp supported) & loaded from a text file | ||||
Active@ Scan technology allows you to recognize files based on file signatures for the following 155 file types: | ||||
Adobe Acrobat Document (*.PDF), Adobe Photoshop Document (*.PSD), Shockwave Flash (*.SWF), Effects (*.AEP) |
Compressed Archives (*.ZIP, RAR, 7Z, ARC, ARJ, GZ, LZH, TAR, CAB, ZOO, XZ, LZ4, BZ2) |
File System Metadata (*.$FILE, $INDX, $DIR) |
Electronic Books (*.DJVU, FB2, LIT, QBW, RB) |
QuickTime (*.3G2, 3GP, CDC, DCF, F4V, JP2, JPA, JPM, JPX, M4A, M4B, M4P, M4V, MAF, MOV, MP4, MPG, MQV, SDV) |
FileMaker Platform (*.FP3, FP5, FP7, FMP12) |
Formatted Text Documents (*.HTM, XML, RTF, CHM) |
Microsoft Word Documents (*.DOC) and Word 2007 Documents (*.DOCX) |
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheets ( *.XLS) and Excel 2007 Spreadsheets (*.XLSX) |
Microsoft PowerPoint Presentations (*.PPT) and PowerPoint 2007 Presentations (*.PPTX) |
Microsoft Outlook Data Archives, Personal Information Store File (*.PST, MSG) |
Microsoft Access Databases (*.MDB, SDW) |
Microsoft Visio Diagrams (*.VSD) |
Crystal Reports (*.RPT) |
Corel Metafile Exchange (*.CMX) |
OpenDocument Text Document (*.ODT) and other OLE-containers (*.OLE) |
XML Paper Specification File (*.XPS) |
CD/DVD Disc ISO image file (*.ISO) |
Music & Audio Files (*.MP3, 4XA, AAC, AC3, AIFF, AIFC, FLAC, MID, APE, OGG, RA, AU, MMF, WAV, WVC, WMA) |
Photos & Images (*.JPG, BMP, CDR, GIF, ICO, MNG, PCX, PNG, TIF, ANI) |
Video Files (*.MPG, 4XM, ASF, AVI, FLI, FLC, FLV, MXF, MKV, MTS, MPEG, R3D, RM, RMVB, WMV) |
Camera Raw Images: Canon (CRW, CR2), Nikon (NEF), Fuji (RAF), Hasselblad (3FR), Kodak (KDC,DCR), Konica Minolta (MRW), Leaf Aptus (MOS), Leica (RAW), Mamiya (MEF), Olympus (ORF), Panasonic (RW2), Pentax (PEF), Samsung (SRW), Seico Epson (ERF), Sigma (X3F), Sony (ARW, SRF, SR2), Digital Negative (DNG) |
Adobe Files (*.pdf, *.aep, *.psd, *.swf) |
Camera Raw Files (*.crw, *.cr2, *.dng, *.raf, *3fr, *.kdc, *.dcr, *mrw, *.mos, *.raw, *mef, *nef, *.orf, *.rw2, *.pef, *.srw, *.erf, *.x3f, *.arw, *.sr2, *.srf) |
Compressed Archives (*.7z, *.arc, *.arj, *bz2, *.gz, *.lz4, *.lzh, *.tar, *.cab, *.rar, *.xz, *.zip, *.zoo) |
Electronic Books (*.djvu, *.fb2, *.lit, *.qbw, *.rb) |
File System Metadata (*.iso, *.Sdir, *.Sfile, *.Sindx) |
FileMaker Platform (*.fp3, *.fp5, *.fmp12, *.fp7) |
Formatted Text Files (*.chm, *.xml, *.htm, *.rtf) |
Microsoft and OpenOffice Documents (*.rpt, *.mdb, *.xlsx, *.xls, *.msg, *.doc, *.docx, *.odb, *.odf, *.odg, *.odp, *.ods, *.odt, *.ole, *..pst, *,pptx, *.ppt, *.vsd, *.xps) |
Miscellaneous (*.max, *.dwg, *.3ds, *.dxf, *.eps, *.fdb, *.stl) |
Music and Audio Files (*.4xa, *aac, *.ac3, *.aiff, *.aifc, *.flac, *.mid, *.ape, *.mp3, *.ogg, *.ra, *.au, *.mmf, *.wav, *.wvc, *.wma) |
Photos and images (*.bmp, *.cmx, *.cdr, *.gif, *.ico, *.jp2, *.j2c, *.jpg, *.c4d, *.mng, *.pcx, *.png, *.tif, *.ani) |
QuickTime Multimedia (*.3g2, *.3gp, *.cdc, *.dcf, *.f4v, *.jpa, *.jpm, *.jpx, *.m4a, *.m4b, *.m4p, *.m4v, *.maf, *.mj2, *.mov, *.mp4, *.mpg, *.mqv, *.sdv) |
Video Files (*.4xm, *.asf, *.amv, *.avi, *.fli, *.flc, *.flv, *.mxf, *.mkv, *.mpg, *.mts, *.mpeg, *.m2v, *.r3d, *.rm, *.rmvb, *.wmv ) |